
Friday, August 9, 2013

Sabang on Weh Island, Aceh.

The word "Sabang" comes from Acehnese language is "every" which means the same rights and status in every respect. This is attributed to the existence of a formerly much visited Sabang outsiders to establish farms (Seuneubok) or other business.

The settlers came from different areas with different cultures, good attitudes, values, and customs. Which occurs gradually assimilating the diverse differences fade and eventually they become same position. Every term has long been attached to Pulau Weh penyebutannya which then slowly transformed into "Sabang".

Sabang is the only area of ​​the Kingdom of Aceh that can be fully controlled by the Dutch government. Since 1881, Sabang designated as natural harbor called Kolen Station.

Dutch East Indies government to build the facilities and infrastructure. Especially after 1887 when Sabang Haven obtain the authority to establish a means of supporting the port.

In 1895, a local Sabang free port managed Vrij Haven Sabang Maatschaappij (Maatschaappij Zeehaven en Kolen Station). At that time the name of Sabang increasingly popular in domestic and international circulation as a port of international trade.

World War II had destroyed Sabang until 1942 occupied Japan and make it as a Japanese Navy maritime base. Improvements have not been completed due to the war, the island's physical damage is getting worse after the Allied Forces bombarded so make Sabang was closed.

morning on Iboih beach.
It was only after independence defined as the center of Sabang Naval Defence of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) and all assets purchased Sabang Port Maatschaappij Indonesian Government.

Township government was formed in 1965 Sabang and pioneered efforts to reopen Sabang Free Port and Free Trade Zone. This effort was officially inaugurated in 2000.

Activity Free Ports and Free Trade Sabang began to throb with the entry of goods from abroad to Sabang. However, back in 2004 Sabang stalled because the central government to establish martial law in Aceh.

After the peace agreement between the Government of Indonesia and GAM on August 15, 2005, Sabang again crowded. Sabang free port reopened in to speed economic development in Aceh through economic relations with foreign countries. In addition, various nautical destinations and unique culture of Aceh was re-introduced so that tourists flock to enjoy the charm the beauty of the westernmost island in Indonesia.

Most western charm of island beauty of Indonesia

Sabang is a city located in Pulau Weh and the gateway in the western end of Indonesia. Sabang has an area of ​​156.3 square kilometers with the highest peak at 617 meters above sea level. Because it is located in Pulau Weh many people who call the island of Pulau Weh Sabang. Weh island itself is the main and largest island separated from the mainland by the Strait of Bengal Aceh.

In addition to direct border with 3 countries namely Malaysia, Thailand and India, Sabang is also a very unique area for Indonesia. That's because this is where you can find Kilometre Zero monument which is the forerunner of the term, "From Sabang to Merauke".

Sabang is currently transformed into Indonesia's marine tourism destination offering a haven for divers. Here you can enjoy the underwater world by diving to find hundreds of species of reef fish and natural wealth that is not grown or cultivated.

Waters in Sabang is a meeting place for the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Malacca. Today was Sabang equip tourist attraction with the organization of Sabang International Regatta.

beach in Sabang, Weh Island, Aceh.
Sabang offers the charm of the beauty of the beautiful coastline, sea water and clean nan blue and green trees. However, not only marine tourism can be found in Sabang. There are mountains, lakes, beaches, sea, and unspoiled forests and awake waiting for a visit. Not to mention your interaction with the local community will provide a memorable experience.

Sabang is a beautiful small town with hilly soil structure so that local residents call Sabang town with two names under which the city and the city.

Sabang consists of five large and small islands, namely Pulau Weh as the largest island, Pulau Rubiah, Klah Island, Seulako island, and the island of Rondo. Population of about 26,000 inhabitants. Sabang is divided into two sub-districts and 72 villages. The topography includes lowland, undulating land, hilly and mountainous, and the rocks along the coast.

Sabang on the east border is the Strait of Malacca, west by the Indonesian Ocean, north of the Straits of Malacca, and the south by the Indonesian Ocean.

At the time of the Kingdom of Aceh, Pulau Weh territory itself is a place of expulsion or transferred "geupeuweh" for someone who is subject to severe punishment of the kingdom. Designation geupeuweh then attached to the name of this island and coincided with the time then condense into Weh pronunciation and defined as separate islands.

Natural Beauty Papua Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia

Natural exotica Papua is not endless. There are still many mysteries of beauty that exist in the island's eastern tip of Indonesia. Call it the Raja Ampat islands are no less great, with a wide range of heritage and beauty of the ecosystem. Of the seas that exist in kepualaun Raja Ampat, save a lot of beauty to be researched and unique traditions of society again dijelajahi.Belum papuan already famous foreign higga. Species of beautiful feathered birds of paradise, only in Irian Jaya or Papua. Red fruit, which is efficacious for treating various penytakit, are also listed there. The beauty of the archipelago is second to none.

Indonesia should be proud with the uniqueness and richness of nature and tradition masayarakatnya. One is Carstensz Pyramid or commonly referred to as glorious peak, also in Papua. If you are a true adventurer definitely will not miss the adventure in this glorious peak,

Carstensz peak is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania. Why not in Asia? Because of Asia's highest peak Mount Everest was held by existing in India and China border, Carstensz Pyramid Peak has altitude 4884 m above sea level (16023 ft). Location is at the coordinates 04 ° S 137 ° E 04 733 and 09 572. Carstensz Pyramid, or Puncak Jaya called by some people, and Puncak Jaya Kusuma Jaya Kusuma or referred to only by some of the others, located in west central highland called Jayawijaya and mountains Sudirman. And the only tropical glaciers in Indonesia, which most likely will soon disappear due to global warming.

Cartensz name is taken from the inventor of a Dutch sailor, John Carstensz who witnessed the mountain peaks covered by ice in the equatorial countries. Carstensz in 1623 reported a snow mountain on the equator, but no one believes her with the statement. John Carstensz is the first European who witnessed the peak Cartesz with his own eyes.


1623 Navigator of the Netherlands J Cartensz was the first to bring the word to Europe about the ice caps in the tropical country on the line of the equator eografis West Papua New Guinea. Report the results met with laughter by the public.

1913 A naturalist (expert in the field of botany and zoology) British AFR Wollaston succeeded in reaching nose Carstensz Glaciers on the South side after a grueling journey through the jungle on the southern coast of Papua. He takes 92 days to reach the final 50km.

The team from the Netherlands in 1936 led by Dr A h Colijn with the help of aerial surveillance and logistics made it to the neighboring mountain Ngga Pulu (4,860 m). He failed to conquer the Carstensz Pyramid through the east side and the north wall but produces a very useful map. Map was published in conjunction with aerial photos in a variety of sides. A geologist who is on the JV team Dozy was the first to find copper deposits in the 'copper mountain' Grasberg

1961 P Temple led the 6-member team from New Zealand to the Carstensz Massif through Wamena by airplane. But the arrangement droping logistics passing through the aircraft were never delivered so that they are not able to reach the top. Carstensz Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) 1962

Carstensz Pyramid was first climbed by a team of Austrian H Herrer (his book Seven Years in Tibet) with your P Temple. Two other team members is an employee of the district and the Netherlands A Huzenga R Kippax from Australia. Logistics supply carried by airplane. They approached the Carstensz area of ​​North-Illaga toward a path that has been opened by the missionaries with a light aircraft since WWII. It then became one of the standard lines of the North Face.

1971 Reinhold Messner of Italy made a trial to the summit for the second time with a client from Italy S Bigarella. They climb the sharp part of the East side of the mountain and back to Illaga in conditions without food for five days.

1972 An expedition of English D Isherwood, L Murray and J Baines Cartensz Pyramid climb the north side using a direct path to the summit imur. These are the first to use the direct path through the walls. Isherwood did solo climbing for the first time in the North Side of the mountain neighbors Sunday Peak (Peak Sunday) from the lake Larson.

1973 Cartensz a solo climb new route for the first time by a young man of America B Carson. His team 3kali climb this mountain with one of them being the first Indonesian E Wurjantoro

1978 P Boardman and for Clinton Collins of England was the first to climb the Carstensz South side. They fell through the north side (the 1962) makes achievement across the mountain. They also were the first to try the north-west side. Hilary is also noted as the first woman to climb Carstensz.

Saparua, Travel European Tourists

10 years of conflict in Maluku, the tourism sector in Saparua, Central Maluku regency, Maluku, bergeliat back. Small island covering an area of ​​247 square kilometers it not only offers the charm of nature, but also traces the historical arrival of Europeans in the archipelago.

Saparua, which is about 50 miles from Ambon, capital of Maluku, can be reached by speed boat for an hour from Port Tulehu, Central Maluku, Ambon Island. Island has a population of 36 698 inhabitants with two other nearby islands belonging to the cluster Lease Island, which Haruku and Nusa Laut, once a prime tourist spot Moluccas, before the 1999 riots. Chairman of the Association of Travel Agency Maluku, Tony Tomasoa, tell, prior to 1999, the Saparua travel destinations competing with Banda Island - other tourist icon in the spice islands of Maluku. 

Two of these locations has always been a reference for tourists who vacation in Maluku. Saparua, which is surrounded by the Banda Sea, offering beauty through the beaches. Ranging from white sandy beaches, such as the beach next to Fort Duurstede and Kulur, up to a rock-filled beaches, the Cape Ouw. The Beauty of Tanjung Ouw even immortalized through a song titled "Cape Ouw" who popularized singer Bob Tutupoly. This shade in place to welcome visitors. Tourists usually spend time in Cape Ouw to relax and enjoy the beauty of a long reef or swim in the crystal clear sea. Stretched out under the palm trees as the breeze feels good to hit. Not far from Cape Ouw, tourists can see the skill Pelupessy Oya (72) into the clay or earthenware sempeh. "Tourists love to see making sempeh. Not a few of those who try to make their own, "said Oya. The guest book shows many of its tourists from the Netherlands, England, and Switzerland who visited there. Not merely on the surface, underwater Saparua also have a dazzling charm. 

According to the manager Mahu Village Lodge in the village wanted, Paul Tomasoa, there are at least six dives are popular tourist spot. For example, in Tawaka, about Molana Island, and around Nusa Laut. "Coral reefs rise. In addition, various types of fish can be found there. Often times the fish such storied march in formation, "he said. Saparua also full of historical relics relics of history. Duurstede fort, the fort built by the Dutch in 1676, is one of them. Existing fortress in the hills as high as 20 feet is still standing strong. Kapitan Pattimura whose real name is Thomas Matulessy repel invaders from the Dutch fort is dated May 16, 1817. From the top of the castle, visitors can see almost the entire island of Nusa Island Sea Saparua up located in east Saparua. Not surprisingly, when the fort was "hunted" foreign tourists. In the house that once occupied Pattimura, in State Haria, visitors can see relics of the lieutenant. In buildings that are inhabited this Matulessy family, framed loom pants, sash weaving, and the headband were all red, which never imposed Pattimura while struggling against the Netherlands. 

A number of documents tells of struggle Pattimura. According to the family, all of it derived from the Dutch. Camat Saparua, Ferry Siahaya, say, five years is a visit to Saparua relatively improved. "The average foreign tourist arrivals in Saparua about 20 people every month. In December, the number could increase to 50-person, "he said. The majority of foreign tourists from the Netherlands, especially that still has a kinship with the people in Saparua. "There are also those who came from England, France, Switzerland, and the United States," said Ferry. "Family of the Netherlands mostly came in December. Christmas a moment to gather with family overseas, including those in the Netherlands, "King said State Itawaka, LF Wattimena. However, in December 2010 the new State Itawaka Christmas celebrations held worldwide. At that time, there were 30 Dutch citizens who come. According Wattimena, one gandong bond or glue one kandunganlah that their relationship, despite the distance apart and citizenship status. Trend of increasing number of tourists this could be because it is more easily accessed from Ambon Saparua. "The operation of fast boat with a capacity of about 200 passengers encourage tourists to come to Saparua. Ships operating since last year it was twice a day from Ambon, "said Ferry. 

In addition, there are also direct flights from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Ambon, via Jakarta, Garuda Indonesia operated since the middle of last year. Middle of last year as well, the government is also doing a fairly vigorous campaign related Duurstede Festival in Fort Duurstede and Sail Banda in Maluku. This would be one of the booster increase in the number of tourists to the small island. No need to wonder if now emerging new lodging there. Two of the five hotels that had ceased operations due to the unrest, is now also operating again. "The plan, there will be two more hotels in the near future," said Ferry. Paul Tomasoa optimistic, forward Saparua tourism will recover, as it was before the riots in 1999. 

However, he warned, stretching tourism now feels it must be followed by improvement of human resources and additional support facilities for tourists. "Without improvements, conducted a vigorous campaign could backfire, because it turns out the conditions in Saparua not the same as being promoted," said Paul again. Robbie Pickering (30), a British tourist who was traveling in Saparua, said the same thing. "Places like Saparua much sought after European tourist today. Therefore, there are winter, while in summer the air is Saparua and could see the sun every day. But, with the lack of facilities, tourists can find somewhere else that better facilities, "he said.

Natural Wonders in East Nusa Tenggara

East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) has eight wonders of nature and the basic capital in the tourism sector to become the locomotive of economic development. "The eight natural wonders of the island of Flores is a place that has five wonders of the world and Samana Santa, with Nihiwatu Beach Sumba, Alor Alor Dive, and Nemberalla Beach in Rote Ndao," said Secretary of the Governor of NTT Assistance Team, Edu Hena, in Kupang .

According to Edu, assistance team has been doing a variety of discussions and is currently finalizing the NTT Tourism Master Plan has been presented. "The draft master plan, we found there were eight wonders that can be owned by NTT and economic powerhouse," he said.
Eighth natural wonder that is the Komodo Island, Komodo reptile dwelling place there and has been designated as the Komodo National Park (KNP); Pink Beach on the island of Padar, Komodo Island neighborhood, and Park 17 Riung Island. In the Garden 17 Riung island has the feel of sand and clear sea water, marine parks and hills which create an atmosphere that is different from other regions in the country.

Other natural wonders on the island of Flores is in the lake three colors Kelimutu, which became the focus of world tourism. Furthermore Maumere Marine Park is so beautiful and locked down by the bay for a very comfortable life in it.

Meanwhile, three other natural wonders that Nihiwatu Beach on the island of Sumba with the best and most beautiful beaches (including 10 in Asia), gives the impression of a very elegant and exclusive location at sea waves can be utilized for the surfers. This natural wonder gives the impression of a strong individualistic and promise to every tourist to come back again, he said.

Next, Alor Island has its particularity, the underwater natural beauty, more than making dozens point dive underwater aligned with the Caribbean islands. This site is protected by the island of Timor to become the world's best places to dive after the Caribbean.

"Lastly, Nemberalla Beach. Wonders of nature that exist in Rote Island is included in the international calender of events for surfing (surfing) so placed as second only to Hawaii, although still very low in the availability of facilities and infrastructure," said Edu Hena.

In addition to having eight wonders of nature, NTT also has the potential of cultural tourism and other traditions are no less interesting with other regions in Indonesia, even the world.
Hena Edu hopes, with the Tourism Master Plan NTT will be able to encourage the development of tourism and regional economic powerhouse.