
Friday, August 9, 2013

Sabang on Weh Island, Aceh.

The word "Sabang" comes from Acehnese language is "every" which means the same rights and status in every respect. This is attributed to the existence of a formerly much visited Sabang outsiders to establish farms (Seuneubok) or other business.

The settlers came from different areas with different cultures, good attitudes, values, and customs. Which occurs gradually assimilating the diverse differences fade and eventually they become same position. Every term has long been attached to Pulau Weh penyebutannya which then slowly transformed into "Sabang".

Sabang is the only area of ​​the Kingdom of Aceh that can be fully controlled by the Dutch government. Since 1881, Sabang designated as natural harbor called Kolen Station.

Dutch East Indies government to build the facilities and infrastructure. Especially after 1887 when Sabang Haven obtain the authority to establish a means of supporting the port.

In 1895, a local Sabang free port managed Vrij Haven Sabang Maatschaappij (Maatschaappij Zeehaven en Kolen Station). At that time the name of Sabang increasingly popular in domestic and international circulation as a port of international trade.

World War II had destroyed Sabang until 1942 occupied Japan and make it as a Japanese Navy maritime base. Improvements have not been completed due to the war, the island's physical damage is getting worse after the Allied Forces bombarded so make Sabang was closed.

morning on Iboih beach.
It was only after independence defined as the center of Sabang Naval Defence of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS) and all assets purchased Sabang Port Maatschaappij Indonesian Government.

Township government was formed in 1965 Sabang and pioneered efforts to reopen Sabang Free Port and Free Trade Zone. This effort was officially inaugurated in 2000.

Activity Free Ports and Free Trade Sabang began to throb with the entry of goods from abroad to Sabang. However, back in 2004 Sabang stalled because the central government to establish martial law in Aceh.

After the peace agreement between the Government of Indonesia and GAM on August 15, 2005, Sabang again crowded. Sabang free port reopened in to speed economic development in Aceh through economic relations with foreign countries. In addition, various nautical destinations and unique culture of Aceh was re-introduced so that tourists flock to enjoy the charm the beauty of the westernmost island in Indonesia.

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