
Friday, August 9, 2013

Saparua, Travel European Tourists

10 years of conflict in Maluku, the tourism sector in Saparua, Central Maluku regency, Maluku, bergeliat back. Small island covering an area of ​​247 square kilometers it not only offers the charm of nature, but also traces the historical arrival of Europeans in the archipelago.

Saparua, which is about 50 miles from Ambon, capital of Maluku, can be reached by speed boat for an hour from Port Tulehu, Central Maluku, Ambon Island. Island has a population of 36 698 inhabitants with two other nearby islands belonging to the cluster Lease Island, which Haruku and Nusa Laut, once a prime tourist spot Moluccas, before the 1999 riots. Chairman of the Association of Travel Agency Maluku, Tony Tomasoa, tell, prior to 1999, the Saparua travel destinations competing with Banda Island - other tourist icon in the spice islands of Maluku. 

Two of these locations has always been a reference for tourists who vacation in Maluku. Saparua, which is surrounded by the Banda Sea, offering beauty through the beaches. Ranging from white sandy beaches, such as the beach next to Fort Duurstede and Kulur, up to a rock-filled beaches, the Cape Ouw. The Beauty of Tanjung Ouw even immortalized through a song titled "Cape Ouw" who popularized singer Bob Tutupoly. This shade in place to welcome visitors. Tourists usually spend time in Cape Ouw to relax and enjoy the beauty of a long reef or swim in the crystal clear sea. Stretched out under the palm trees as the breeze feels good to hit. Not far from Cape Ouw, tourists can see the skill Pelupessy Oya (72) into the clay or earthenware sempeh. "Tourists love to see making sempeh. Not a few of those who try to make their own, "said Oya. The guest book shows many of its tourists from the Netherlands, England, and Switzerland who visited there. Not merely on the surface, underwater Saparua also have a dazzling charm. 

According to the manager Mahu Village Lodge in the village wanted, Paul Tomasoa, there are at least six dives are popular tourist spot. For example, in Tawaka, about Molana Island, and around Nusa Laut. "Coral reefs rise. In addition, various types of fish can be found there. Often times the fish such storied march in formation, "he said. Saparua also full of historical relics relics of history. Duurstede fort, the fort built by the Dutch in 1676, is one of them. Existing fortress in the hills as high as 20 feet is still standing strong. Kapitan Pattimura whose real name is Thomas Matulessy repel invaders from the Dutch fort is dated May 16, 1817. From the top of the castle, visitors can see almost the entire island of Nusa Island Sea Saparua up located in east Saparua. Not surprisingly, when the fort was "hunted" foreign tourists. In the house that once occupied Pattimura, in State Haria, visitors can see relics of the lieutenant. In buildings that are inhabited this Matulessy family, framed loom pants, sash weaving, and the headband were all red, which never imposed Pattimura while struggling against the Netherlands. 

A number of documents tells of struggle Pattimura. According to the family, all of it derived from the Dutch. Camat Saparua, Ferry Siahaya, say, five years is a visit to Saparua relatively improved. "The average foreign tourist arrivals in Saparua about 20 people every month. In December, the number could increase to 50-person, "he said. The majority of foreign tourists from the Netherlands, especially that still has a kinship with the people in Saparua. "There are also those who came from England, France, Switzerland, and the United States," said Ferry. "Family of the Netherlands mostly came in December. Christmas a moment to gather with family overseas, including those in the Netherlands, "King said State Itawaka, LF Wattimena. However, in December 2010 the new State Itawaka Christmas celebrations held worldwide. At that time, there were 30 Dutch citizens who come. According Wattimena, one gandong bond or glue one kandunganlah that their relationship, despite the distance apart and citizenship status. Trend of increasing number of tourists this could be because it is more easily accessed from Ambon Saparua. "The operation of fast boat with a capacity of about 200 passengers encourage tourists to come to Saparua. Ships operating since last year it was twice a day from Ambon, "said Ferry. 

In addition, there are also direct flights from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Ambon, via Jakarta, Garuda Indonesia operated since the middle of last year. Middle of last year as well, the government is also doing a fairly vigorous campaign related Duurstede Festival in Fort Duurstede and Sail Banda in Maluku. This would be one of the booster increase in the number of tourists to the small island. No need to wonder if now emerging new lodging there. Two of the five hotels that had ceased operations due to the unrest, is now also operating again. "The plan, there will be two more hotels in the near future," said Ferry. Paul Tomasoa optimistic, forward Saparua tourism will recover, as it was before the riots in 1999. 

However, he warned, stretching tourism now feels it must be followed by improvement of human resources and additional support facilities for tourists. "Without improvements, conducted a vigorous campaign could backfire, because it turns out the conditions in Saparua not the same as being promoted," said Paul again. Robbie Pickering (30), a British tourist who was traveling in Saparua, said the same thing. "Places like Saparua much sought after European tourist today. Therefore, there are winter, while in summer the air is Saparua and could see the sun every day. But, with the lack of facilities, tourists can find somewhere else that better facilities, "he said.

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